Cat Walks Into Malaysian University Classroom, Fell Asleep Due To Boring Lecture

A cat in Malaysia randomly entered a classroom in International Islamic University. Students were shocked when they saw the cat paying attention to the lecture. The cat might have tried to learn something new from the humans by showing interest to the lecture. Elynna Hashri, a student took a picture with the cat and shared it on social media which later went viral.

cat dozing in class

No wonder the cat as well wasn’t able to digest the boring lecture and fell asleep in just 30 minutes. Another snap of that chubby cat went viral in which it was sleeping on the table.

Twitter users worldwide used that picture as a meme targeting the boring university classes and lectures. The social media community tweeted and shared it massively which made this scene a memorable one. The good thing about this incident was that none of the students disturbed the cat and let it sleep while the lecture was a perfect lullaby for the sleeping chubby cat.

cat dozing in class
Following are some funny reactions on social media when people saw those pictures on their timeline.

cat dozing in class

cat dozing in class

(h/t: boredpanda)

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