Brown Kitten and Her Sister Shower Everyone with Hugs Day in and Day Out Until They Find Forever Home

A brown kitten and her sister showered everyone with hugs day in and day out, until they found their forever home.

A month before fall, Melissa and Tyler Lucas received a pair of kittens from their animal shelter, who needed a foster home and a lot of TLC.

The kittens, Ida (black) and Isabella aka Izzy (brown), are sisters and came as an inseparable duo. “They were brought to the shelter when their mom was unable to care for the litter,” Melissa shared with Love Meow.

“Ida is feisty and always a few days ahead, developmentally. Izzy is the fluffy, snuggly one who is more than happy to do nothing other than sleep and eat.”

The kittens melted into their people whenever they were held. Izzy, in particular, was very snuggly–she would close her eyes and fall asleep in a matter of seconds in their arms.

A few days into their foster journey, the feline sisters turned into full-fledged cuddle-bugs.

Izzy needed assistance to eat when she was still on the bottle. She was very grateful to be catered to and would conk out on her foster parent after feedings.

It took the kittens a few more tries and a bit longer to start weaning, but when Ida got the hang of it, Izzy soon followed suit.

After running around, playing to their heart’s content, the two sisters would settle in for a nap with their foster family.

“Izzy needed a bit of snuggle time before she was able to settle down. She’s a crazy one, but she snuggles with the same level of enthusiasm that she does everything else.”

“These girls are obsessed with their people. If a human is close enough to climb, wrestle, kiss, or snuggle, you better believe both Ida and Izzy will (often literally) jump on the opportunity,” Melissa wrote.

“This makes it very difficult to be productive around them, but also makes for some super adorable moments.”

When Izzy set her mind to do something, she was rather determined and wouldn’t take no for an answer. The little ball of fur didn’t hesitate to hop on the back of the resident dog, JD, for a quick bear hug.

If she was tired and ready for bedtime, she turned to her foster mom and demanded her immediate attention.

“She sat on the back of the couch screaming at me nonstop. I’d pick her up and she’d fall asleep in 2.75 seconds. I’d put her on Ty’s lap, she’d wake up, hop to the back of the couch, and start screaming at me again.”

Melissa gave in to the little princess and sat down on the couch with her. Within a minute, Izzy drifted off to a deep slumber. “These girls are pretty needy, but Izzy especially so.”

After ten weeks of care, plenty of cuddles day in and day out, the two sisters were ready to spread their wings and fly.

“It took a while to get these little ladies settled. They certainly figured things out at their own pace, especially Izzy. But we got there, I’m super proud of them, and I’m so excited for whatever their next chapter may bring,” Melissa wrote.

“Saying goodbye is bittersweet, for sure. Ten weeks of thinking of them first, ten weeks of extra work to care for them, and at least a month of eight extra feet running around our crazy little zoo.”

As it turned out, Melissa’s friends also fell head over heels for the girls and adopted them through the shelter.

The couple will get to see updates on their proud graduates while they continue fostering and helping other kitties in need.

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