Cat Says “Thank You” to Woman Who Opens the Door for Her Kittens After Spending Her Entire Life Outside

A cautious cat that showed up one day in a cat colony was reported to Anne, a foster volunteer with the Belgian animal rescue Kat Zoekt Thuis.

Despite being quite frightened, the newcomer was not feral, and the feeder (caregiver) of the cat colony saw that she was hungry and obviously pregnant. The cat had been searching the neighborhood in search of food and a secure location for her young.

“The feeder was able to pick her up, put her in a carrier, and bring her off at my apartment after a week of gaining her confidence,” Anne said.

When the black and white cat, Iluna, first arrived at her foster home, she was quite terrified. After all the changes, she experienced a lot of stress. She had all the time she required to unwind, as well as a peaceful, cozy atmosphere, thanks to Anne.

She was used to people, but spending time inside was undoubtedly unfamiliar to her. She was presumably abandoned when they realized she was pregnant, assuming she was once a farm cat, Anne said. She had scrapes all over her nose, was filthy, thin, and in poor condition.

When the black and white cat, Iluna, first arrived at her foster home, she was quite terrified. After all the changes, she experienced a lot of stress. She had all the time she required to unwind, as well as a peaceful, cozy atmosphere, thanks to Anne.

She was used to people, but spending time inside was undoubtedly unfamiliar to her. She was presumably abandoned when they realized she was pregnant, assuming she was once a farm cat, Anne said. She had scrapes all over her nose, was filthy, thin, and in poor condition.

In addition to treating her for an illness and assuring her of her safety, Anne wiped her eyes and nose. Iluna started to allow Anne to pet her after realizing that living inside wasn’t so terrifying, and for the first time ever, she even activated her purr motor.

“Until she found the large window and was able to see outside, she felt uneasy and wary. I believe that’s when she knew she was secure. She hung around on the window sill for the entirety of the first week, Anne said.

To encourage Iluna to use the litter box because anything higher up seemed to be favored, Anne put the litter box on a platform. Iluna began to genuinely care for her foster mother over time. One day, she decided to approach Anne and give her a headbump as a way of saying “thank you” for allowing her remain.

“She loved it when I massaged her growing tummy. She initially wouldn’t eat until I petted her. She eventually began feeding on her own after a few days.

Two weeks after entering foster care, Iluna went into labor, and she was happy to have a cozy nest and a caring person at her side. The shipping process was really easy. During labor, she let me sit by her side.

“Iluna is among the greatest cat mothers I’ve ever fostered,” I said. She is quite compassionate and attentive. A lot of new mothers are clumsy and sometimes lie on top of their children. Iluna is immune to this, said Anne.

She always knows where they are and treats them with such gentleness. She will not waste any time in pursuing a wandering kitten. The kittens are feeding well and developing rapidly thanks to her meticulous attention and unwavering devotion.

“She’s also very protective of her babies! I can sit next to them and watch them, but I cannot touch them. That makes it a bit harder for me to check on the kittens, but luckily, Iluna does most of the work.”

The kittens will begin to learn how to walk and play in the weeks that follow. Iluna will be able to take a backseat and spend more time with her people, doing what she likes, once they are old enough and weaned.

Iluna will never have to fend for herself in the outdoors again. Once she is done with mommy duties, she will be spayed and find a wonderful family to spend the rest of her life with.

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