Burton, on the other hand, took a closer look.
It turned out to be a lynx, proudly displaying her gorgeously fluffy body for everyone to see.
“I’ve never seen one in person,” Burton told The Dodo. “I was ecstatic and in amazement simply to witness this gorgeous creature strolling so near to me.”
The lynx was not in a rush as she strolled down the road, allowing Burton to snap these magnificent images.
Others stopped to look at her, but the gorgeous wild cat didn’t focus all of her attention on her head.
“It was just so beautiful and delighted to be in its own little universe, doing its own thing,” said Burton. “The locals are feeling the same way – they really adore seeing these magnificent creatures.”
< Source by : https://petstv.net/2022/01/27/as-she-strolls-along-the-street-a-stunning-wild-cat-draws-attention-2/? >