‘Smol’ Bird Looks Just Like A Flying Cotton Ball And We Can’t Get Enough Of It

At afar, you would see tumbling balls of birds that bounce and see-saw from one garden to another, especially during winter. You would also hear their high-pitched “si-si-si-si-si” calls that signal their arrival.

Adult long-haired tits can be identified with their soft pink plumage on their chest area, while young birds have a black bandit mask on their faces.

If you are in need of something cute and squishy to see today, just stare at this adorable photo of a Long-Tailed Tit!

You can’t deny how adorable it is, and it even looks smol enough to be put into your pocket and just keep you company throughout your day!

Just a tiny ball of fluff vibing in nature.

They are widespread species, found in almost the whole of northern Europe and Asia, and even in the Mediterranean. It likes to reside in woodlands that have a reputation for having large portions of shrubbery and heathland.

They can also be commonly found in gardens and parks, so make sure to check the nearby sycamore, ash, and oak trees by there!

Their tails only appear really long because of their stocky bodies. An adult long-haired tit can grow tp about 5 to 6 inches long, including the tail, which counts for at least half of the said length.

While they generally thrive well in winters, harsher conditions will lead them to huddle or flock together to maintain warmth.

They are already small in size, but even smaller birds are prone to losing more body heat compared to the larger ones, so they are actually at risk of dying when a partner is not found. Therefore, they flock together in specific groups: brothers, sisters, uncles, and aunts.

They feed on eggs and larvae of butterflies and moths, however, they have grown to have an increasing interest to peanuts because of the growing popularity of feeding areas for birds.

They look so cute, right? It’s a fortunate thing that they are still in the “Least Concern” category as of now, and it looks like their population number won’t be in trouble any time soon.

Comment down your thoughts, or share this little ball of fluff for all your family and friends to see!


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