Magical One-Eared Golden Retriever Puppy: A Delightful Sight

We came across a Golden Retriever puppy who distinguishes out from the crowd owing to her unique and charming characteristics. Rae is her given name, which, when spelt backward, spells ear. With her odd look, this small pooch has become an Internet celebrity, since she resembles a unicorn rather than a conventional adorable fluffy animal.

The world fell in love with Rae after Samantha Smith, a veterinary technician, shared a video of her on TikTok. The video rapidly went viral due to Rae’s unique characteristic, her ear flopping about on top of her head.

She is a visual joy with her incredibly lovely features that remind us how rare and unique she is. Although she has a tiny Mohawk, it is her ear that contributes to her charm.

Have you ever pondered what caused Rae’s deformity? The specific reason is unknown, according to the breeder, although it is assumed that her mother was excessively hard while washing out the placenta or amniotic sack, causing lasting damage to Rae’s skin. As a result, all that was left was the canal and no skin. Rae was thankfully transported to the hospital for surgery soon after delivery, but it was unclear if she would make it through the trauma.

Rae was severely frail and on the verge of death when Brianna Aardema, who cares for her at Family Friends Veterinary Hospital in Grand Rapids, Michigan, came. There were doubts that Rae would make it past the following two days.

Despite understanding it wouldn’t be an easy path, Brianna felt an instant connection with Rae and was motivated to provide her with the finest possible care.

She was extensively watched by medical personnel following her surgery. Despite the fact that her condition is unique, she looks to be recuperating well.

It may appear like living the life of a unicorn is a dream come true, but it is not always rainbows and sunshine. Rae’s ears must be cared for as part of her overall health, especially as Golden Retrievers are prone to ear infections. As a result, Rae is subjected to frequent check-ups and medicines to ensure that she grows up healthy and happy.

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