After Saving Her Life, A Police Officer Adopts An Abandoned Injured Puppy

On July 16, Augusta Police Officer Sara Rogers was summoned to an abandoned puppy who seemed to be wounded. The puppy’s injuries were checked out by a local veterinarian to make sure she was well while, at the same time, cops made every attempt to identify the owner without luck.

The veterinarian requested if Officer Rogers could check on the puppy throughout the night until the Kennebec Humane Society staff came in to work.

Throughout her shift Officer Rogers checked on the pooch as much as she could, even taking her food break with her new companion. They struck an instant relationship and Officer Rogers knew the puppy came into her life so she could provide her with a decent home.

Officer Rogers and her family fostered the puppy until she became eligible to adopt, which resulted in the entire family falling in love with with their new renter.

On August 18, the adoption become legal and the puppy now has a beautiful home with Officer Rogers and her family.

Officer Rogers told NEWS CENTER Maine the puppy’s name is Rey, after the Jedi who learns under Luke Skywalker in the “Star Wars” movies.

‘I would want to say is how appreciative we are to the Kennebec Humane Society. They do such fantastic work there and the staff was extremely helpful during the entire process,’ Officer Rogers noted in an email to NEWS CENTER Maine.

Rogers noted that the puppy is ‘the greatest’ and that she ‘keeps us on our toes.’

The Augusta Police Department shared a photo of the adorable couple along with the touching story on their Facebook page.

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