Breeder Takes “Happiest” Puppy To Be Euthanized Due To Her Deformed Legs

 A dog was born with two malformed legs, making walking difficult. Her breeder dropped her off to be euthanized because they believed she’d never have a good quality of life. They were, however, completely incorrect!

The 5-week-old dog was spared from euthanasia by a family. Tyra was barely half a pound at the time, but she was bold and spirited. She was fostered by the family for a few months as she gained strength and learnt how to walk about. She’s one of the happiest dogs, thus she deserves to live just like any other dog.

Tyra Gets Used to Her New Life

Tyra’s life was worth saving when her breeder abandoned her at a clinic to be killed. Tyra was given to Homeward Trails Animal Rescue, who placed the puppy with a foster family. Tyra immediately settled in and formed a friendship with the family’s 70-pound black Lab.

“When we brought her home, we had no idea what her long-term care requirements would be, but we were determined to finding it out alongside her,” Tyra’s foster parent stated.

Tyra learnt to move around and play on her own despite not having completely formed front legs. She went through physical treatment and was finally fitted for a set of wheels that allowed her to run as quickly as her dog buddies.

Tyra’s foster family fell in love with her spunky, independent personality right away. She fit in so well in her foster home that her foster parents chose to adopt her. Because of them, she is now as happy as she can be!

Unending Happiness in the Future

Tyra has been with her permanent family for over a year, and she is growing more at ease with them every day. She enjoys trying new things and meeting new people and dogs. She is quite comfortable with her wheels, and after a long day, she enjoys cuddling with her people and her dog sibling.

“We’re really impressed by her pleasure and perseverance,” Tyra’s human stated. “She also has a large personality and a lively spirit.”

Tyra may not seem like your ordinary dog, but she doesn’t appear to notice or care. She’s as capable as any other dog, and she doesn’t let her impairment hold her back. Tyra enjoys rushing about and demonstrating to the world that all dogs deserve a shot at life. Tyra is blessed to have found her fantastic family because a permanent home may make all the difference for rescue dogs.

Tyra’s Journey Can Be Seen Here:

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