A robotic cat brings pure happiness to a father with dementia, thanks to the love and compassion of his family.

Dementia is a general term to describe symptoms of impairment in memory, communication, and thinking. People with dementia cannot control their emotions, and their personalities may change. This is a very difficult disease, not only on those who suffer from it but on the entire family. It even can bring grief to all members of family if it isn’t handled correctly.

However, no matter what happens, we are sure that you’ll do anything to help your beloved one. In the case of Cheryl Yates, she knew exactly what to do to manage this disease because her 88-year-old dad, Bob, was dealing with the final stages of Lewy body dementia.

However, no matter what happens, we are sure that you’ll do anything to help your beloved one. In the case of Cheryl Yates, she knew exactly what to do to manage this disease because her 88-year-old dad, Bob, was dealing with the final stages of Lewy body dementia.

Cheryl Yates banded together with her family in Ontario, Canada to help her father Bod – a cat-lover his entire life. He had raised nine felines in total and absolutely loved each and every one of them. He missed his kitties, but he couldn’t meet them because he was restricted to his hospital bed.

That is when Cheryl decided to do something to help her cat father. She bought him a robotic cat from Ageless Innovation’s Joy For All, a company owned by Hasbro that dedicated to bringing comfort, companionship, and fun to our aging loved ones.

“My father loves cats and dogs, especially cats. He was a real cat man and always had cats,” Cheryl wrote on Facebook. “For Christmas, we bought him a Joy For All robotic lifelike companion cat in his favorite orange and white tabby color. This kitty is amazing, totally interactive, and responds to petting, human touch, and voice. This robotic cat purrs, meows and licks its paws. It rolls over, blinks, and head butts. My dad LOVES this cat so much. He named his kitty Buddy and my dad is so much happier and calmer and this cat brings him so much comfort and companionship.”

When you look at the photographs Cheryl shared on Facebook, you can see how much the cat means to her dad. He was overjoyed with the gift and couldn’t stop hugging the robotic cat. Many people commented on the post to send their love to Bod and the family.

“My mother has dementia and she has that cat!” wrote Sylvie Schiller on Yates’ post. “It’s even the same color. She LOVES him! She’s had him for 3 years now and although she has gone downhill, if the nurse puts him on her lap and he starts meowing or purring, her face lights up and she gives out a big smile. I would recommend this cat to anyone in a heartbeat.”

After reading this post, many people knew exactly what makes those lifelike robotic pets so special. If you also want to own one, you can visit their website here. The Joy For All Lifelike Companion Pet Cat sells for $109.99 and is available in silver with white mitts, tuxedo, and orange tabby. And if your loved one isn’t a cat-lover, dogs are available too.

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