Rescue Cat Saved From Bridge Turns Out To Be The Sweetest Cuddle-Bug

When this little kitten looks at Nada A., he must feel like he’s seeing an angel.

The cold, weak and hungry little stray was sitting all alone on the barricade of a bridge when he first met her, and her compassion has changed his little life.

When Nada first spotted him, he was terrified and was shivering in the harsh wind, and she knew she had to help him somehow.

She asked her brother to retrieve the kitten, but as he got closer to the barricade, the terrified kitten kept backing further away from him.

“As he approached it, the kitten kept backing away and was dangling over the bridge, hanging on the barricade with just his claws,” Nada told Love Meow.

Luckily, Nada’s brother got to him just in time.

He caught the little cat before it slipped off the edge, and was able to get it out of harm’s way.

Together, he and Nada were then able to bring the kitten back home.

At first, it was difficult for the kitten to trust that it was truly safe.

But Nada was careful to give it the space it needed.

The kitten was placed in a calm and quiet room and was allowed to calm down on his own terms.

When the kitten had had time to process what had happened to him, it was as if a switch had been flipped.

Suddenly, all he wanted to do was cuddle, and he was not shy about it.

He would snuggle up to Nada and then loudly complain if she ceased petting him.

Nada was overjoyed that he was doing better, and now that he was comfortable, Nada was able to get the kitten cleaned up.

These days, the sweet kitten is as cuddly as ever.

He has made himself comfortable in his new home and has wholly adopted Nada as his mommy.

The adorable little rascal is still very demanding when it comes to getting pets and cuddles, and wants nothing more than love and affection.

He adores Nada, and it’s clear that he loves her deeply and sees her as his hero.

Nada is thrilled that he’s doing so well, and overjoyed to have such a sweet and loving kitty.

Both their lives changed that day on the bridge, and now they both get to enjoy the immense love and appreciation they feel for each other.


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