A scared and abandoned kitten in a garden is reunited with its family, bringing tears of joy to all who witness the heartwarming reunion. /vol

Tara, the founder of The Mad Catters (in Perth, Australia) took in a small kitten who had been found crying in a garden. Despite all the effort and time put into the search, there was no sign of other kittens or the cat mom.

The kitten named Cobain (aka Cobi) was in desperate need of round-the-clock care and feedings. Tara got right to work — she kept the kitten comfy and warm and provided a bountiful supply of kitten formula. The palm-sized baby was so hungry that he latched on right away and gobbled down the food like there was no tomorrow.

Since having a mom and siblings is beneficial to a kitten’s development, Tara connected with another rescue, Impound Feline Rescue, for help.

“He was constantly crying for attention, and so my search began for a surrogate mother,” Tara told Love Meow.

“That very next day I saw that Impound Feline Rescue had taken in a mother with newborns from the pound, and they instantly said yes to taking on baby Cobi!”

It was love at first sight from Mama Cinque when she met the little singleton, and her kittens quickly accepted him as their own. Cobi nuzzled right into Mama’s belly and started nursing.

The cat mom showered her new baby with unconditional love. Her own kittens even squirmed over to him and fell asleep on his belly.

“Cobain has been doing so well, guzzling his new mum’s milk and gambolling with his tiny brothers and sisters,” Impound Feline Rescue shared with Love Meow.

While the ginger boy continued to grow alongside his adoptive brothers and sisters, rescuers never gave up hope that someday they would find Cobi’s biological mom and siblings.

A few weeks later, when Tara was called to assist a rescue mission for a stray cat and her kittens, she couldn’t believe what she discovered.

“A volunteer of ours sent a photo of her under a car with her kittens, who I could see were about four weeks old. As soon as she said the address I realized it was next door to where Cobain was picked up. The kitten ages match up perfectly. We finally found his family,” Tara told Love Meow.

The rescue team quickly got the kittens to safety and set a humane trap for the mom. Hours later, they caught her and reunited her with her four kittens.

They couldn’t find a microchip and no one came forward to claim her, but her life on the street came to an end as they journeyed to their foster home.

The calico mom named Sofia was so pleased with her spacious new digs, soft blankets and all the food she could eat.

Out of the four kittens, one is the spitting image of Cobain.

Cobi continues to blossom with his adoptive family (at Impound Feline Rescue) and has grown attached to them. “He will be staying with his surrogate mum because she is all he has known. He is comfortable, happy and well loved,” Tara shared with Love Meow.

“His mother (Sofia) and four siblings have settled in with their new foster carer (at The Mad Catters).”

Tara and her rescue team kept their hope alive, and it eventually led them to the rescue of the entire family.

The kittens quickly came out of their shells and started to play. Mama Sofia could finally relax and get some much-needed me-time with her people.

They no longer have to wander the streets for food and shelter. They are clean, healthy and excited about all the toys they have.

Cinque and Sofia are raising their last litters in their safe homes, away from the elements.

Once their kittens are big enough, they will retire from motherhood once and for all, and enjoy being the center of attention as spoiled indoor cats.

With the help of many volunteers and rescuers, the two feline families are thriving and on their way to a bright future.

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Source: lovemeow.com

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