25 Pictures Showing Cats Can Sleep Anywhere

If there’s one thing cats are excellent at, it’s knocking over any expensive knickknacks in your house. However, if there’s two things cats are good at, it’s falling asleep in the most unlikely and unusual places.

Most cats sleep about 16 hours per day. When you spend so much time napping, it actually becomes hard to fit into your busy schedule.

So to make sure they get all their desired beauty sleep, cats are certainly prone to dozing in some uncomfortable and downright strange spots.

Check out these 25 pictures of odd catnaps. After all, it’s probably good for you health.

#1 The cat-grass is surely growing in nicely…

#2 The face of a complete angel

#3 Napping can be a team sport

#4 This is a bit unfair for the first kitten

#5 One pocket-sized snoozer

#6 Someone fell asleep while he was birdwatching

#7 A subtle little way of saying “that’s enough work for today”

#8 Just hanging out here

#9 “This bed is exactly my size!”

#10 It’s not too comfy, but it sure is warm

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