Meet the Three-wattled Bellbird, a unique bird with a mustache

Nature has created many unique creatures that never cease to amaze us with their beauty. One that has caught the eye recently is the Three-wattled Bellbird. This bird is covered in a red and brown coat. His head stands out because of the white color. But the most unique feature of this bird is its facial whiskers.


It gets its name from the three insect-like wattles of skin that hang from the base of the bill. These wattles can be up to 10 cm (3.9 in) long when extended during songs and conversation. Although long, the wattles remain fluffy.

Jorge Obando – CC BY-SA 2.0

Just like in other bird families, three-wattled bellbirds have male and female differences. The head and throat of the male are white and the rest of the plumage is chestnut brown. The female has an olive color with yellowish streaks and a yellow trail below. The three-wattledBellbirds breed in the highlands of Costa Rica and migrates to western Honduras, Nicaragua, and Panama.


Bellbirds are known to be the loudest birds on earth. Their songs are strange, and go on for a long time. Currently, their living conditions are classified as vulnerable due to habitat loss. These birds breed at high altitudes in Costa Rica. During the breeding season, male birds move their faces while singing to attract females.

ryanacandee – CC BY-SA 2.0

These wattles can be up to 10 cm (4 in) long and the middle of the three can be placed upright. Female bellbirds are smaller and somewhat less striking in appearance. They are golden brown on the back of the wings and tail with white stripes on the face, brown throat stripes, and golden brown stripes hidden under the pale gray tail.

Three-wattled bellbirds feast on fruits, particularly those in the Lauraceae family, of which the avocado is a member.
Instagram/Wildlife Planet

Check out the video below to hear their unique song.


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