The heart-wrenching image of the orphaned dogs unwilling to part with their deceased mother is truly gut-wrenching

There are several proverbs concerning the human-dog link, including “A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves himself.” “Dogs will always follow those who feed them.” “Dogs are not our entire lives, but they complete them.” When we rescue a dog, we not only save the dog, but we also save a life.

In a little Indian village, a family of six dogs lives peacefully together. They are lovingly cared after by their owners. However, not long after the owner’s job loss, he fully collapsed and found himself unable to feed the dog family.

The owner abandoned the dogs, leaving them without a home or a caretaker. They are often hungry and chilly as they move around. Nobody looks after ill dogs.

A rescue team responded to the news and saved the dog’s family. After searching for her, they find the mother dog dead beside the railway track. The mishap killed the mother dog.

Two of the six puppies are curled up next to their mother. As a consequence, they can find them readily. Save all six puppies, as well.

The puppies were carried by rescuers to the clinic, where they were evaluated, vaccinated, and cared for. Six dogs are still perfectly healthy since their mother provided excellent care for them until her death.

The rescue team has started publishing information on the internet in hopes to find the dogs a new home. These six dogs will hopefully find their happy homes soon!

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