Rescued stray dog with mange can’t stop smiling, earns title of ‘Happiest Dog in the World’

It’s remarkable how much of a difference a little love can make in a dog’s life. So many pets begin their lives in awful situations, struggling and fending for themselves on the streets, but radically transform once they receive the care they require.

Like one dog who, after finding her forever home, always has the largest smile on her face – she’s now an internet sensation known as “The Happiest Dog in the World.”

Meet Shortcake:

Yep, that wide smile is real, and it’s a face she makes all the time since being rescued by her owner, Amy Matsushima.

“When she’s not sleeping, she’s quite goofy, lots of sounds and playful, yet even then she smiles,” Amy told the Daily Mail. “She genuinely does smile the most of the time.”

Shortcake, on the other hand, hasn’t always been that happy. In truth, she began her existence as a stray dog on the streets of Fresno, California.

“Shortcake was spotted on the streets with severe mange and a hernia,” Amy told the Daily Mail. “Her time at the shelter had run out when Fresno Bully Rescue became aware of her.”

“She wasn’t in the best of health because everyone who encountered her back then stated she smelled like rotten flesh due to her mange.”

But when Amy viewed Shortcake’s picture online, she fell in love with the dog and her indestructible personality.

“I couldn’t believe it when I saw her picture on the rescue’s website,” Amy told Good Morning America. “She looked terrible, but she was wagging her tail and smiling, and it just hit me in the heart.” “I said to myself, ‘I had to meet this dog.’”

Amy wanted to adopt Shortcake after meeting her for the first time. Thankfully, the dog healed rapidly from the mange.

Shortcake is now a healthy, playful, and laid-back dog who prefers remaining at home to going on walks, and her newfound happiness is obvious on her face.

Amy still doesn’t comprehend Shortcake’s frequent, enormous smiles.

“I don’t know why she smiles so much,” she told to GMA. “I can’t make her to complete it on time.”

Shortcake’s smiles, on the other hand, have delighted followers online.

@theladyshortcake’s Instagram account currently has over 185,000 followers.
“The nice thing about social media is that people tell me how much joy she provides them and how they make her smile,” Amy remarked. “I believe it’s amazing that she makes other people happy.”

You can follow Shortcake’s Instagram for more of her gorgeous smile!

We’re so delighted this dog got a home and is so happy! Share this fantastic tale!

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