Disfigured Dog Is Given Up On Time And Time Again, Until One Woman Sees All His Beauty

Physical characteristics have little to do with beauty. If you turn us inside out, we all appear very much the same. It is our inner beauty that is important.

However, there were certain people in Lucky’s life who couldn’t get past what they saw on the exterior. And that was a travesty!

Lucky is born with a serious facial deformity. He was born in a puppy mill before being surrendered to a shelter. It was difficult to find him a home. When people glanced at him, they couldn’t believe what they saw.

Lucky was eventually adopted, but he was bounced from home to home, with each family doing him a horrible injustice. Because he didn’t get along with their cats, his first family in Austin kept him outside at all times. Lucky was chained to a tree.

He didn’t have a safe place to sleep, and he didn’t have enough food. He was overlooked and ignored. Lucky was never accorded the love he so richly deserved.

Before they moved, the family chose to relinquish Lucky. They didn’t even want to bring him along. Lucky was clearly NOT a member of the family.

Lucky was adopted again, but it didn’t take long for that family to abandon him as well. Not at all lucky was the poor dog named Lucky.

Then something happened on social media that changed everything! Lucky was taken to the groomer by a shelter volunteer. The volunteer posted photos of a groomed, gorgeous Lucky, and those photos were seen by the appropriate individual, a volunteer’s friend called Jamie Hult. She wanted to meet Lucky straight immediately! She even wanted to adopt Lucky straight immediately!

“It just happened to be someone in my dog rescue world, so I contacted him right away and said, ‘I want that dog.’” “I don’t want to foster it; I want to adopt that dog,” Jamie told iHeartdogs.

Unfortunately, Lucky was in bad shape and required intensive veterinarian care. He had fleas and heartworms. He was also underweight. Jamie, on the other hand, was unconcerned. She wanted him and wouldn’t hesitate to open her wallet… and her heart!

Lucky had a long journey ahead of him, but with excellent medical care, he recovered completely!

And a new name came with his new home, new life, and new human… Toxic Tox!

“The reason I named him Beaux Tox is because he plainly needs botox, which is OK. We value beauty in all of its manifestations. The reason I don’t have botox is because the dog expenses are so expensive!”

Jamie has just the attitude and mindset Beaux requires! Don’t you think?

They’ve been blissfully married for a year. Beaux is now a healthy young man living a happy life. No more days tied to trees, lonely nights in shelters, or judgments based on his appearance–only LOVE for this sweet puppy!


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