The Three-Legged Dog Looked Up At Me Pleadingly, She Begged Me To Take Them Away

The story of this mother dog made us cry. When she was a month old, her family was harassed by larger dogs. Only she made it, despite losing a leg.

People who cared built her a house. She gave birth here as an adult. A business district. Dangerous vehicles were often entering and exiting the location. She was quite thin and subsisted solely on the food she received from Knowing strangers.

The puppies were quite interested in me, a stranger. They had no idea how much this journey would affect their lives.

Naida was the name I came up with for the mother dog. She took excellent care of the puppies, which were rather fat. She provided the best for her puppies.

We had them tested, and they all passed.They sobbed when they looked for Naida while she was performing the examinations. Naida, the mother dog, weights barely 7.8 kg. She was also exhausted and had mastitis. She also has piroplasmosis (a parasitic infection).

The puppies received vaccinations and dewormings. They had to be separated from their moms, though.They would be well cared for until they could find a new home.

They were utterly unfamiliar with their new life. They had a more comfortable bed and new companions. They particularly appreciated the food here.

Naida yearned for her puppies.We had made plans to meet the puppies. However, because she is on antibiotics, she was not permitted to breastfeed the puppies.

She felt so good for the first time in her life. She took two showers to get rid of all the grime. Her fur was frizzy and her skin was dry, and she was ready to play with the puppies as well.

We returned home from the vet one month later. Naida was fully recovered and healthy. Some puppies had discovered their own joy. They were adopted and well cared after, and Naida remained with us; I look after her since no one wants to adopt a tripod dog like her.

She has fantastic pals here as well, and they all play together. She spends the entire day playing in the vast fields. For a dog like her, everything is a dream.

She has also gained weight as a result of proper nourishment. She can run as quickly as most dogs.There is nothing more joyful than these basic things.

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