The poor dog can’t open his eyes, but he still fights to the last breath to survive in this emotionless world

Meet Aadam! According to Paws Show youtube channel he was discovered almoste dead. He completely fell on the street and had little hope of survival. He was dying…
Aadam was severely unwell and famished. Perhaps, the baby has been ignored for several days. One of his worst aches is a broken bone.

Rescuers transported him directly to the clinic.

Small dog, around 3 months old, his life was completely devastated. Broken both hind legs. He was also assaulted by ticks. Immediately vets ran tests, ultrasound of the abdomen and heart, x-rays. They will endeavor to rescue all 4 feet.

Aadam had surgery at night. Although the surgery was tough and lengthy, everything went according to plan. Wounds must be treated and kept clean. Aadam has been treated for parasites, vaccinations.

  Aadam is still at the beginning of the journey to recovery. Aadam needs special treatment and continuous evaluation by a surgeon.

After everything adam walks again…

“Let Aadam stroll like that now. I am so happy to watch the wonderful improvements of the baby. It’s incredible! So happy we met him, now he is a happy baby and he has his whole life ahead of him.” Julia Yup I his recuer stated.

Some fantastic news came next for the worthy pooch, which you can see in the video below. We adore a happy ending!

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