A Tearful Rescue: The Dog Locked Up And Growing Up In A Cramped Cage For Years, Resulting In Deformities

The life of a puppy locked up and growing up in a cramped cage for years with a deformed body

It’s a story that will shatter your heart. Chester, a dog who had spent his whole life trapped in a small cage, was ultimately liberated, but the harm had already been done. When he was rescued, Chester was famished, lonely, and cold. Worse yet, his bones were distorted owing to lack of room in his cage, and he was suffering from swollen genitals and other health issues.

When we first spotted Chester, he was in tears, stricken with hunger, loneliness, and cold. We knew we had to help him. We spoke to physicians all day about how to help him, how to make things better and less stressful for him. Otherwise, he would have to live in this condition for the rest of his life.

The physicians calculated chiropractic in a special software, but this was quite difficult since the bones had expanded. Failure to calculate accurately would have repercussions, and we knew we didn’t have much time to help him.

Looking at Chester, I knew we had to help him no matter what. All his life, he had lived in a cage, and he deserved better. The challenge didn’t end there. His genitals were highly inflamed owing to friction against the cage, and he would require surgery.

The surgery was done, and happily it was a success. Chester and I went on a stroll together, thinking it would help him feel better. But his walking was really tough. Can you image growing up in a little cage? I prayed it would all finish soon, and he would have a nice ending.

But then the diarrhea began to set in. The doctor ordered medication for him, but it was clear that Chester was still suffering. Why does this happen all the time? I was extremely sad, but I knew that only love and laughs could keep us going. We assured Chester that we would be there for him no matter what, and that everything would be alright.

He was laying on his warm bed, eating his favorite meals and toys that he had never played with before. We wanted to make up for everything he had gone through, to take him and let him experience the lovely landscapes he had always dreamt about.

But that was not to be. When we brought him back to the vet for braces, he experienced intestinal difficulties, and it became clear that his condition was deteriorating fast. After five days, Chester suffered a seizure. He experienced sepsis, abdominal discomfort, and his fever plummeted. We knew that there would be no more suffering for him. We said farewell to Chester at 2:45, and he went back to God.

Rest in peace, Chester. Your picture will remain in our hearts forever. We hope that your story will motivate people to stand out for animals who are suffering and to fight against cruelty and neglect.

Watch the tearful video below:


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