Sick Stray Puts Paw In Woman’s Hand, Desperately Pleads For Medical Help

A street dog named Zhuzha limped around with a swollen belly. The rescuers from Love Furry Friends observed the distraught pup and knew she required quick medical assistance.

A friendly woman with the rescue crew asked a passerby if she knew anything about Zhuzha. The passerby informed the woman she had been spayed, so her swollen belly couldn’t be from pregnancy.

The tag on the dog’s ear verified she was treated under the city’s spay/neuter program. But why was her belly like this? It was so enormous that the dog could scarcely walk. Zhuzha gazed at the nice woman, imploring for aid, with her adorable puppy dog eyes.

Zhuzha was rushed to the vet immediately away, who verified her swollen belly was due to a cardiac issue that caused fluid to build in her abdomen. Her belly had to be emptied. The medical operation was a success, and Zhuzha felt so much better!

A few days later, her savior visited the pup. Zhuzha gladly ate a treat and spent time with the woman who saved her life. What a wonderful rescue! Zhuzha awaits her permanent home in a safe area where she is well-cared for.

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