Dog Who Only Knew Abuse Now Has Unconditional Love

Joanna completed her aim four years ago when she took in a hedgehog who was imprisoned with another male hedgehog who was in poor health. Male hedgehogs will fight like other males if kept together. Banjan need medical attention since he lost an ear in a fight with his former owner and became afflicted with fleas and mites.

Joanna and her partner Rory fell in love with animal rescue while caring for him back to health. Her work with hairy, feathery, and scaly creatures has benefitted various local rescue organizations, including Animal Rescue in Doolittle and Freshfield Animal Rescue in the United Kingdom. The couple acquired various unwanted pets, including birds, ducks, cats, and dogs, and made some grooming errors along the way!

Pets’ well-being is never distant from their minds. During a trip to Bulgaria, the couple took dog food to feed the many homeless individuals they encountered. Their keepsake is a scrawny street dog they rescued from a busy highway. He then returned to the UK with a British foster family in Bulgaria who worked with Doolittle’s Animal Rescue to maintain him in good health. Shook is now known to be in good health and to be having fun with his new family.

While rescue and caring for animals brings a lot of joy and happiness, it also brings some grief. The newest foster carer for Joanna and Rory has it all.

They learned about Migoi from a Bulgarian family and raised Shuck as he recovered from his homeless life. Migoi was still a puppy when he was subjected to unimaginable cruelty. As a “watchdog” in the chilly outdoors, he was chained to a short chain. When he was rescued, he had been stunted due to starvation and lack of exercise, abused by his cruel master, and his hearing and vision had been taken.

Migoi is being looked after by Maxime, a Bulgarian woman who has cared for over 40 dogs in the past year. A family in the United Kingdom was planning to adopt him, but while awaiting his transfer, they changed their minds, claiming he was “too ugly.”

Joanna and Rory were quick to offer to place him in foster care. They knew it would be difficult to rehabilitate him and learn how to care for a blind dog, but they also knew they could give him the love he deserved.

While some dogs are simply afraid of humans after being harmed, Migoi is ready to be loved! “He was the sweetest guy though and totally fell in love with everybody,” Joanna told iHeartDogs.

Joanna and Rory do their hardest to give Migoi the confidence to wander about their house despite his inability to see anything. They were successful in keeping him safe and getting him the medical treatment he need, but they encountered unexpected problems that they were unsure how to overcome. Fortunately, another family member was ready to assist.

“We took Shuck to the vet every time we took Migoi to the vet.” His attachment with Migoi grew so deep that he became his companion dog, keeping him calm.”

“There is no question that Migoi will always be with us. We’re terrible at caring and can’t imagine abandoning our son! We’re hoping that the procedure will save one of his eyes, which will boost his confidence. We intend to take him on a backpacking trip to Europe with Shook whenever he is ready.”

“We strongly feel that Migoi should be able to live like any other dog, free to wander and play with other dogs.” He will be that dog if he tackles his confidence issues and learns how to cope with difficulties.”

“We do not believe his disability should restrict him in any way, just as it should not limit any other blind dog… If Migoi can do it, so can any dog. Of course, keeping him safe is more difficult and requires more effort and care, but it is our responsibility as his parents.”

“Our kid has come a long way in a short time, and he still has a long way to go, but we will be there for him every step of the way.”

Follow Migoi’s development on Instagram as he begins his new, joyful life.

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