‘Brоkеn’ dоg can’t stоp smiling whеn hе rеalizеs hе’s finally safе.

Sanford was previously classified as a “broken dog,” but he can’t stop smiling now days.

Sanford’s foster mom, Karen Velazquez, says he’s the happiest dog she’s ever encountered.

“I am currently on my 52nd foster, and I can honestly say that I have never had somebody as cheerful as him,” Velazquez told The Dodo. “He stares at me in a manner that no other animal or person, even my own pets, has ever looked at me.” The only time he isn’t smiling is when he’s sleeping or eating.”

But Sanford needed all the aid he could get before Velazquez took him in. He was rescued by animal control in April after being struck by a car and rendered unable to move. Rescuers discovered a gunshot hole on his right rear leg as well.

When animal control authorities discovered him, he was sent to a small municipal shelter in Dallas, Texas, where he lived for a week. Because the shelter lacked money, Sanford did not receive medical attention during that period.

When a Dallas DogRRR volunteer saw Sanford in the shelter, she knew she had to assist him.

“He was physically shattered… “And when the volunteer went to meet him, he didn’t make any attempt to come and say hello,” Dallas DogRRR executive director Kerry Anechiarico told The Dodo. “It’s almost as if he’d given up and was simply waiting for his moment.”

But the most significant shift occurred when Sanford initially entered foster care with Velazquez.

“He came to my house on May 1, only a few days after he got out of the hospital,” Velazquez explained. “He’s been beaming ever since. I believe the moment he walked into my house, he recognized he was in a secure place.”

Sanford, nicknamed ‘Sanfee’ by Velazquez, now spends his days eating home-cooked meals, going on daily walks, and playing with Velazquez’s other dogs.

Sanford is a senior citizen at the age of ten, but he doesn’t act it.

“He’s a really average dog for a 10-year-old,” Anechiarico remarked. “He reminds me of an elderly person at a nursing facility.” He’s 95 years old, yet he acts like he’s in his fifties.”

While Sanford is content in his foster home, everyone wishes for him to find a forever home.

“He’ll be an excellent family dog,” Anechiarico predicted. “He’ll get along with other dogs and people.” He’s even good with children.”

“He’s the ideal companion dog to come home to,” Anechiarico remarked. “He’ll wag his tail and greet you before keeping you company for the remainder of the day.” He’s just a cheerful dog now.”


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