Meet Famous Instagram Cat Jasper Who Lost Both Of His Eyes To Corneal Ulcers And 57K Of His Followers Can’t Get Enough Of Him

This adorably spooky hairless cat is a star on Instagram. Jasper (name of the cat) unfortunately lost both of his eyes to corneal ulcers. But strong Jasper does not…

Lost Kitten Is Found By Kind Cat Who Welcomes Her Into His Loving Home

Three adorable cats named Nelly, Gilbert, and Nala reside with their owners in Copenhagen, the nation’s capital and most populated city. Despite not being related by blood,…

Twin kittens find a safe haven, becoming happy ginger cats. /vol

Twin kittens are so thrilled to have a comfy place to stay after being rescued from a tough situation. Two orange tabbies found themselves at a rural…

A lonely and shivering kitten found outside a stranger’s house is rescued and given the care it needs, no longer alone. /vol

A resident from Tampa, FL noticed a litter of kittens outside her house a few months ago. They would come and go as a clowder, but at…

The Beautiful ‘Two Faces’ Cat Becomes A Rescuer And Raises Kittens As His Own Color

The ρhrase ‘two-faced’ isn’t ρarticularly nice when attributed to a human, but there’s nothing more adorable than seeing a ƙitty with two-toned fur. This is Narnia, an adorable British…

Sneaky Frigde Raiding Cat Is Blind To His Family s Surveillance

Carrot, I’m sorry. Cat is Carrot. He’s also a little bit sneaky. Carrot has definitely always been a sneak!” Rachel Zardus, who rescued Carrot as a kitten,…

Man Rescues Kitten On The Roadside, But Is Ambushed By A Feline Gang Seeking Help. /vol

Growing up, we all wanted to get ahead in life, aka get some special treatment or money for sweets from our guardians. And we did some sneaky…

Senior Shelter Cat Starts Her New LIfe At The Ripe Old Age Of 21

21-year-old Morag’s story began when she was left at an RSΡCA center in Worcester, the UƘ after her former owner could no longer care for her. The…

Meet Honey Bee, The Rescued Blind Cat Who Loves To Go Hiking With Her Humans

Honey Bee is an amazing blind cat and an international adventure girl. She has lived in the Caribbean & currently in Seattle with her 2 humans and…

Mother Cat Tries To Bring Her Kittens To LIfe After They Were Brutally Killed In The Street

Nothing is worse than losing your children. And it’s just as ρainful for animals as well, liƙe one mother cat in Xi’an, China, whose two ƙittens were…